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- /* #include <clib/als_protos.h> */
- #endif
- #if defined(AZTEC_C) || defined(__MAXON__) || defined(__STORM__)
- #pragma amicall(alsbase,0x01E,Als(d0))
- #pragma amicall(alsbase,0x024,Alsopenwin())
- #pragma amicall(alsbase,0x02A,Alsclosewin())
- #pragma amicall(alsbase,0x030,Alsrnd(d0))
- #pragma amicall(alsbase,0x036,Alsmenu(a2,a1,a0,d3,d2,d1,d0))
- #pragma amicall(alsbase,0x03C,Alsmowerstatus(a0,d1,d0))
- #pragma amicall(alsbase,0x042,Alsgame(a0,d0))
- #pragma amicall(alsbase,0x048,Alswin(d0))
- #pragma amicall(alsbase,0x04E,Alsdie())
- #pragma amicall(alsbase,0x054,Alsscrolly(a1,a0,d2,d1,d0))
- #pragma amicall(alsbase,0x05A,Alsscrollyclose())
- #pragma amicall(alsbase,0x060,Alsreadprefs())
- #pragma amicall(alsbase,0x066,Alsreadprefsfrom(a0,d0))
- #pragma amicall(alsbase,0x06C,Alssetprefs(a0,d0))
- #pragma amicall(alsbase,0x072,Alsgetprefs(d0))
- #pragma amicall(alsbase,0x078,Alsopenscreen(d0))
- /* ALS.library V6.12 FD */
- /*donotreadprefs is for 4.1 and up only */
- /*Hidden mower and background options for 3.0 and up only
- *Alsgame hidden option for 6.12 and up only */
- /*Alswin() only works properly on 1.5 and above */
- /*Alsdie() only works properly on 4.0 and above */
- /*Alsscrolly() only works properly on 1.5 and above */
- /*** V3.0 functions */
- /*** V4.0 functions */
- /*pcformat not implemented in 4.0
- *** V5.0 functions */
- /*** V6.0 functions */
- #endif
- #if defined(_DCC) || defined(__SASC)
- #pragma libcall alsbase Als 01E 001
- #pragma libcall alsbase Alsopenwin 024 00
- #pragma libcall alsbase Alsclosewin 02A 00
- #pragma libcall alsbase Alsrnd 030 001
- #pragma libcall alsbase Alsmenu 036 012389A07
- #pragma libcall alsbase Alsmowerstatus 03C 01803
- #pragma libcall alsbase Alsgame 042 0802
- #pragma libcall alsbase Alswin 048 001
- #pragma libcall alsbase Alsdie 04E 00
- #pragma libcall alsbase Alsscrolly 054 0128905
- #pragma libcall alsbase Alsscrollyclose 05A 00
- #pragma libcall alsbase Alsreadprefs 060 00
- #pragma libcall alsbase Alsreadprefsfrom 066 0802
- #pragma libcall alsbase Alssetprefs 06C 0802
- #pragma libcall alsbase Alsgetprefs 072 001
- #pragma libcall alsbase Alsopenscreen 078 001
- /* ALS.library V6.12 FD */
- /*donotreadprefs is for 4.1 and up only */
- /*Hidden mower and background options for 3.0 and up only
- *Alsgame hidden option for 6.12 and up only */
- /*Alswin() only works properly on 1.5 and above */
- /*Alsdie() only works properly on 4.0 and above */
- /*Alsscrolly() only works properly on 1.5 and above */
- /*** V3.0 functions */
- /*** V4.0 functions */
- /*pcformat not implemented in 4.0
- *** V5.0 functions */
- /*** V6.0 functions */
- #endif
- #endif /* _INCLUDE_PRAGMA_ALS_LIB_H */